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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Hidden Lake 3-31-12

Kim and I had a true adventure camping on the Hidden Lake camping platform in the Palmetto Pear-Tree Nature Preserve. Upon arriving in the preserve I was attacked by a sneaky mud hole and got the car stuck. Luckily for us no sneaky mud hole can match wits with my better half and resident Tar River Otter photographer, Kim. The paddle to the platform was more difficult than anticipated. Many fallen trees tested our resolve and tempers as we made our way. Upon reaching the lake we were awed by the beauty of the place but with storm clouds brewin we had to hastily set up camp. A good thing we made haste for as soon as we got set up the sky opened up on us. Oh the dreadful wind and rain! We made it through the night and the following morning was a real reward. A mostly cloudy sky looked down on us as we explored the watery wonderworld of the inner banks of North Carolina.We learned a lot on this trip.

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  1. Many obstacles, but we conquered them like champs. Secluded and tranquil spot, though I must say, coming up on the sound when it's choppy in a canoe is quite daunting.

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    2. Y'all oughts to be, laws yes. :) I forgot how silver everything was.
